March 2024 – B.O.L.D.E.R

At the end of last year, I burnt out.

I had a massive amount on my plate and simultaneously felt like I was doing too much and also doing to little.

I’ve had some therapy and realised I’d neglected my self-care and self love, because those things came second to getting things done.

This year, I’ve decided to structure my months with a B.O.L.D.E.R framework.

It’s something I came up with based on the R.E.P.O.R.T framework that was going viral on TikTok for a while. The hope is to create some short-term goals that I can work towards each month to make me feel like I’m making progress while also focusing on myself and the things I love.

B.O.L.D.E.R stands for:

B – Body

O – Organise

L – Learn

D – Do

E – Explore

R – Read

So, this is the plan for this month!

B – Body

Drink at least 1 litre of water per day

I’ve been on a health kick this year. I’ve been walking every day. I’ve been cutting down on my calories to try to lose weight. The hardest one to kick has been my pepsi additiction. I’m trying to cut down to just one can or 500ml bottle per day. I’ve had some success with this already, and I’ve found it tastes so much nicer when I drink less.

So far, I’ve been swapping Pepsi for fizzy water. Every morning, I go for a walk around my town and pop into Tescos to pick up a bottle. I’m actually saving a fortune compared to buying Pepsi, and when I’m finished with the fizzy water, I fill it back up with tap water, so I’m drinking about 2L of water, compared to the… ahem… 1 glass if I remembered that I was drinking before (plus ths 4-6 cans of Pepsi I was drinking per day)

O – Organise

DIY the Dining Room

I am going to organise the dining room of the new house and start the DIY. I’ve never done any painting before but how hard can it be? (Famous last words, right?). There’s a few boxes to clear first though.

L – Learn

Complete a Linkedin Learning Course

This month, I’m going to work my way through the Linkedin Learning Path “Develop Critical Thinking, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving Skills”. This contains some very interesting courses that I think might be interesting from a strategic marketing perspective.

D – Do

Send off my Dissertation proposal

I will be looking to send off my Dissertation proposal to my supervisor. I’ve been struggling with it a little and so I really want to get it over the line as soon as possible.

E – Explore

Go to the Roman Museum in the Town

My town is pretty Roman, and there’s the remains of a Roman Circus in town that I want to go and have a look at. It’s not that far away so should be quite easy to get to and back.

R – Read

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

I read this book at the start of Lockdown and it was pretty inspirational. It changed a lot about how I viewed things and actually caused me to start uni. Now I’m coming to the end of university, I feel like I need to read it again to see what happens. next.

So that is my self care target for the next month! I’m going to try to update on progress as I go.