“Nothing in life is that complicated. You can do whatever you set your mind to if you just roll up your sleeves, get in there, and do it. Everything is Figureoutable.”
Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo – Everything Is Figureoutable

1st April 2020. My first day of furlough leave from my full-time job due to COVID-19.
80% of wages coming in. 100% bills coming out. Marketing budgets have been cut, so very few freelance options are coming my way.
So I think, “I’ll enjoy a day off”.
Marie Forleo’s Everything Is Figueoutable has been sitting behind the TV since Christmas. I don’t know why I put it there, but while I was glaring desperately at my bank app, I spotted it.
It was warm, so I sat on the balcony and read.
I read it cover to cover—something I hadn’t done for a while.
What is Everything is Figureoutable?
Everything is Figureoutable is Marie Forleo’s life mantra.
It stems from coming home from school and finding her mother doing loads of odd jobs to save money, from fixing the roof, retiling the bathroom, and reassembling a radio. All before the internet made it easy to find tutorials.
When Marie asked her how she could do all these things, she replied
“Everything is Figureoutable”.
If you stop and look at a situation, you can work out a way to fix it. And Marie says this makes you unstoppable. You’ll never find yourself in a situation you can’t work out a way around it.
Marie believes you are what you think. If you believe you can’t, then you won’t. But if you know “in your bones” that Everything is Figureoutable, then you can shape the world.
She uses examples of the Wright brothers believing flight was possible.
And the Suffragettes believing women should vote and eventually win equality.
If they didn’t believe it was true, they wouldn’t have achieved what they set out to achieve.
How to Live Figureoutably
Living a life where “Everything is Figureoutable” may seem like a dreamland. But Marie breaks it down into nine steps:
- Having a road map to results
- Believing it is possible
- Eliminating excuses
- Dealing with fear
- Defining your dream
- Starting before you are ready
- Accepting progress over perfection
- Refusing to be refused
- Believing the world needs YOU
Each step comes with its own chapter. Each chapter comes with real-life examples and questions you need to answer.
Marie makes you find one dream. One thing that you are passionate about and makes you tick. It can be small or huge. Or small to others but big to you.
As you go through the book, you begin to realise that, actually, anything is possible if you take the time to break it down and weigh up every option.
Does it Work?
For me, yes it has.
Over the last month, I’ve been trying to live with the “Everything is Figureoutable” mentality.
I have been looking at ways to improve my career, my knowledge and my life. My dream is to run an agency that helps small business. The process helped me break it down into manageable steps and get going.
Furlough leave meant I had to pay off my mortgage, rent, credit card, food and all other bills on just 80% income. But I made it work. So, I know I can budget (that surprised me too!) and figure finances out as I go along.
I’ve found a University course that runs in the evening. I’ve found I can get enough student finance to fund the course and support my bills. I can figure out ways to make the rest of the bills up.
I’ve worked out how much money I need to survive and chopped a lot of outgoing spends that I don’t need. I’ve also looked into ways to break up my workload.
Should You Read This Book?
Yes, you should.
Marie has an infectious enthusiasm for life that flows through the book. I found myself getting excited about changing my life around. If you aren’t sure, listen to her speech on Oprah’s SuperSoul Sessions.
If you do buy the book, do every task. It may seem silly, but I promise it helps. On the second readthrough, I did every single task for every plan I had. And I feel so much better for it.
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