Starting 1 Jan 2022 and finishing 31st December 2022

2022 is a year of doing things that scare me. I used 2021 as a year to get my anxiety in check and defeat my self-esteem demons. I began a TikTok channel to ease my fear of showing my face on camera. I also entered a competition with my app idea. In 2022, I’m going to push this further, by properly launching my agency, establishing my personal brand and improving my writing skills.
To do this, I’m committing to 365 days of publishing Medium articles.
I will join the 365 medium challenge and write 365 articles which I will publish to medium. I will keep an eye on the analytics and report on my progress.
Why do I want to do this?
I have two goals, a personal and a professional goal.
Personally, I have a fear of “putting myself put there”. Which has been incredibly damaging to my career and my ability to help others. I’m scared of failure and scared of success and that needs to stop. By writing and publishing every day, I can get over my fear and use the content on YouTube and TikTok to continue to improve my camera presence, ticking off a second 2022 goal. I have a mantra of “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know” and while this does help me to prepare and research something before throwing myself headfirst into the project, it also means I over-prepare and overthink to the point I never start.
Professionally, though, I know I have a lot to offer and a lot I can do to help others. Holding myself back is holding those in need back too. And being scared of what might be isn’t going to help those people. By publishing every day, I will also build a habit that will improve my writing skills and unlock my creativity.
I want to be free of the fear of hitting publish. Be free of fear in general. And be free of anxiety around writing and publishing.
What will I be writing?
I have a huge amount of research and to-dos that I need to do across my various projects. Writing helps me process information and retain it. My writing will be across all kinds of areas from marketing to cinema, travel to books. I love learning so want to use what I learn to create. My anxiety often causes creative blocks so by constantly creating, I can overcome this hurdle.
Want to join me?
Follow my progress on my medium account.